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Two logic problems 2007-12-07
Grace pose la question :
1. You are an archaeologist that has just unearthed a long-sought triplet of ancient treasure chests. One chest is plated with silver, one with gold, and one with bronze. According to legend, one of the three chests is filled with great treasure, whereas the other two chests house a man-eating python that can rip your head off. Faced with a dilemma, you then notice that there are inscriptions on the chests:

Silver Chest - Treasure is in this Chest.
Gold Chest - Treasure is not in this Chest.
Bronze Chest - Treasure is not in the Gold Chest

. You know that at least one of the inscriptions is true, and at least one of the inscriptions is false. Which chest do you open?
(a) Silver (b) Gold (c) Bronze

Penny Nom lui répond.



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