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A thanksgiving day problem 2007-11-17
svetik pose la question :
On Thanksgiving Day, a group of nutty professors dressed up as "turkeys" and participated in a local fundraising event. The event consisted of three types of races: the sprint, the relay, and the hurdles. One more “turkey” takes part in the hurdles only than the sprint only. The same number take part in the sprint and the hurdles as take part in the relay and the hurdles. Eleven of the “turkeys” taking some part in these three races do not do the relay. Five “turkeys” take part in the sprint and the relay and three enter all three races. There are four teams of four “turkeys” in the relay. And, one more “turkey” is running in both the relay and the sprint than in the hurdles only.

“Turkey” Coe turned and said to “Turkey” Kim, “How many ‘turkeys’ were taking some part in any of the three races?” The nuttiest math professor, “Turkey” Young, said “There were ________ ‘turkeys’ taking part in any of the three races.” Fill in the blank!!!

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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