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table top

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3 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A puzzle embedded in a table top 2016-05-13
Aaron pose la question :
I want to make a table with a puzzle embedded in it. The table top would be a 36" circle and the puzzle is 20"x27" I'm thinking that it's not going to fit, but not sure. Any help would be appreciated.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A slopped table top 2009-03-16
anthony pose la question :
A perfect circle with radius 100m is supported by four legs, 50m long. The circle is flat when all four legs are 50m long, and tilted when the legs are different in length. The four legs are spread evenly 90 degrees apart at 0, 90, 180, and 270. Find the high and low points in degree and height when the legs are 55m at 0 degree, 70m at 90 degree, 45m at 180 degree, and 30m at 270 degree.

Not sure if they can be calculated using only 2 or 3 legs.

I have tried by picking the two adjacent highest legs (55m and 70m) so I know the high point falls into the first quadrant. Then I tried using ratio to determine where the high point is, which I think high point should be closer to the 70m leg, I am not sure. If I can find the high point, the low point should be opposite to it.

Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond.
An octagonal table 2007-10-18
Lorne pose la question :
I am 77 years old and want to build a table top with each side measuring 23 inches. I believe the diameter would be 55.5 inches. Is this correct and what is the angle of the cuts I have to make? Thank you for your patience.
Penny Nom lui répond.



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