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solving linear equations

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5 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Solve for x and y 2007-03-27
anthony pose la question :
solve y=4x and x+y=5
Sara Ulmer lui répond.
Nickels, dimes and quarters 2007-02-05
Avinash pose la question :
Mary has 48 coins made up of nickels, dimes and quarters with a total value of $5.10. She has 4 more dimes than nickels and quarters combined. How many coins of each kind does she have? Use matrix to solve the system
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The elimination method 1999-12-02
Jennifer pose la question :
Could I get an answer to this one:


I have to use the Elimination method, as I already know how to do Substitution. How do I begin and show my work? I'm attempting to eliminate the values for y.
Penny Nom lui répond.

Linear Equations 1999-01-16
Casie Tomney pose la question :
My dad and I have been trying to figure, how to solve for x on any of these problems my teacher gives us. The problem is:

2h/3 + 1/2 = 5h/6 - 3/4

Jack LeSage lui répond.

A Linear System 1998-10-08
Jason Bussey pose la question :
The linear systems with the following pattern all have the same solution. Is their some kind of reasoning as to why this is so?



The solution is always x=-1, y=2

Thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.




Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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