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sheet metal

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
The price of a sheet of metal 2018-04-02
Nydia pose la question :
What is the formula to calculate the following:

I nee to find out what the sheet price be. The dimensions are 2000x3000 mm into ft they are 78x1181. The sqft price I have is $22.16. How do I figure out the sheet price from that?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The cost of a piece of sheet metal 2017-04-14
Mohammed pose la question :
I bought a 2 mm sheet plate of 1.2m × 2.4m in fijian $95. I used 1.95m × 0.4m from that sheet plate. What will be my total cost for the sheet plate I used. It was a mild steel plate.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a sheet metal cone 2013-02-09
Charles pose la question :
Sheet metal cone.
I need a cone with a finished base of 38.19719 diameter The cone is to be from a 48 diameter round with the wedge cut out. The best calculation I have is the arc is 286.479. (correct?)

Could you verify this arc angle but more so what is the cone height?

Harley Weston lui répond.
A sheet metal cone 2005-12-05
Laura pose la question :
I am an art student and in the process of making a cone out of sheet metal. I am unable to work out the template I need to produce my final cone. The dimensions I have are that the final cone will be 58mm high and will have a diameter of 102mm.
Penny Nom lui répond.



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