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set theory

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5 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A question about the empty set 2018-06-17
Andrey pose la question :
Hello there!
I got that an empty set is a subset of every set.
There is a question.
Is an empty set an element of every set?
∅ ⊆ {x}True
∅ ∈{x}?
Sorry if the question is easy. A set theory is a bit confusing.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A union and interception problem 2013-10-19
Zakir pose la question :
Sir, I have some problem in union there is a Question in a book find B set if A={2,4,6,8} , AUB={2,4,5,6,7,8} and A intersection B={6,8} plz tell me how can I find the B set
Penny Nom lui répond.
Prove A intersect B =X iff A = X and B = X 2010-03-06
Gloria pose la question :
how would you prove A intersect B =X iff A = X and B = X
Tyler Wood lui répond.
More on infinity and Set Theory 2009-02-17
Justin pose la question :
I greatly appreciate your help I was just wondering from your previous answer, why doesn't Cantor's cardinal numbers in set theory apply to the limit x->0, y=infinity?


Robert Dawson lui répond.
Infinity and Set Theory 2009-02-17
Justin pose la question :
I was just wondering is the limit x->0, y=1/x=infinity, the biggest uncountable infinity according to Cantor's cardinal numbers in set theory?


Robert Dawson lui répond.



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