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Centrale des maths - centraledesmaths.uregina.ca
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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
The spread of a rumor 2012-04-09
Roohi pose la question :
The function f(t) = a/(1+3e^(-bt)) has also been used to model the spread of a rumor. Suppose that a= 70 and b=3 0.2. Compute f(2), the percentage of the population that has heard the rumor after 2 hours. Compute f'(2) and describe what it represents. Compute lim t approaches infinity and describe what it represents.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Spreading a rumor 1999-09-13
Bornstar14 pose la question :
There is someone who wants to spread a rumor within 7 days to 250,000,000 people. he wants to know how many people he should tell on the first day (assuming the rumor is passed by everyone who was told to the same amount of people) so that everyone knows on the 7th day. What I did is the 7th root of 250,000,000. this answer is not possible unless rounded. is it okay for the number to be approximate?
Penny Nom lui répond.



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