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19 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Rounding 2011-12-14
seth pose la question :
A decimal number rounded changed to 23.7 after it was rounded. Give a decimal number that is less than 23.7 and another that is greater than 23.7 that each round to 23.7. Explain to what place each number was rounded.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The nearest one and a half and the nearest inch 2011-02-02
Miranda pose la question :
REASON:sarah gave the same answer when asked to round 4 seven eighth inches to the nearest one and a half and the nearest inch. explain why sarah is correct?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Greatest Number in Rounding Off 2009-06-25
paucath pose la question :
what is the greatest number that can be rounded of to 4000
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
A 4 digit number 2009-04-12
kaylin pose la question :
When a 4 digit rounded to the nearest thousand,it rounds up to 3000. the hundred digit is less than 6. the digits in the ten and ones place add to a sum of 8 and they are the same . what is the number
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
A three digit number 2009-01-20
marcha pose la question :
when this three digit number is rounded to the nearest ten, the sum of its digits is 16 the hundreds digit of this number is 8 and the ones digit is 5, what is the number?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Compatible numbers 2008-10-02
jeff pose la question :
what exactly are compatible numbers, math problem is:
Estimate the total weight of 2 boxes that weigh 9.4 pounds and 62,6 pounds using rounding and compatible numbers. Which estimate is closer to the actual weight and why?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Rounding 2008-05-09
wendell pose la question :
write a three digit number that when rounded to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred, the answers are the same
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rounding 2007-11-05
Charles pose la question :
I have been asked to explain why rounding to 3 decimal places has become the adopted industry standard in mathematics for showing measurement calculations. I understand that it makes sense to round financial calculations to 2 d.p. because then it's rounded to the nearest penny (or cent) but why would the standard in measurement be 3?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Rounding off 2007-04-15
deepak pose la question :
find the smallest and the greatest numbers which when rounded off to the nearest thousand, become 6000.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Estimating products by rounding 2006-09-24
Ann pose la question :
my son is in the fifth grade and they are doing estimate products rounding both factors, he knows how to round off a decimal, but he is having a problem doing a decimal and a whole number for example 5.96x3=? He knows the 5.96 round off to 6. but what does the 3 round off to?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Round to the nearest tenth 2006-05-06
Lisa pose la question :
how to round a decimal fraction to the nearest tenth
Penny Nom lui répond.
How do you round off 89,100? 2006-04-19
Jeannie pose la question :
My home work says to round each number to the place of the underlined digit. It has 89,100. The underlined number is 9. What do I do?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
how do i round up 9.6 to the nears ones 2005-08-09
Carlos pose la question :
how do i round up 9.6 to the nears ones
Penny Nom lui répond.
Round to hundredths 2002-11-19
Brittany pose la question :
Can u tell me how to do a problem like this:

35 divded by 4.8= Round to hundreths.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Rounding 27.27 2002-11-03
A parent pose la question :
If you have a problem 27.27 and you need to round to the first 7 the answer would be 27

Would 27.0 be acceptable as well or is it completely wrong.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Multiplication of fractions 2001-01-08
Angela pose la question :

1. represent multiplication of fractions via an area model

2. describe why, not just how, to round decimals

Penny Nom lui répond.
Rounding 2000-09-14
MaryAnn pose la question :
How many whole numbers rounded to the hundreds place, round to 400? Can you also explain why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rounding 2000-04-15
Tawana Brown pose la question :
I was uncertain as to whether a number such as 85.25 rounding to the nearest tenth would be 85.3 or 85.2. I thought I had heard somewhere that if 5 is the last number that you don't round up. But I have also heard that anything 5 and above you do round up. It's been awhile since I've done rounding, so I need a refresher course.
Walter Whiteley and Harley Weston lui répond.
Spreading a rumor 1999-09-13
Bornstar14 pose la question :
There is someone who wants to spread a rumor within 7 days to 250,000,000 people. he wants to know how many people he should tell on the first day (assuming the rumor is passed by everyone who was told to the same amount of people) so that everyone knows on the 7th day. What I did is the 7th root of 250,000,000. this answer is not possible unless rounded. is it okay for the number to be approximate?
Penny Nom lui répond.



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