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rain barrel

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Relating volume to depth in a cylindrical container 2007-04-19
Dan pose la question :
I have a cylindrical polyethylene rain barrel 23" in diameter and 35" high. If I've calculated correctly thus far, its volume is:

14, 547.49 cubic inches (or 8.418686 cubic feet or 0.31 cubic yards)

and could, ideally, contain 62.6 gallons of rain water whose weight would be 525.32 lbs. (62.4 lbs./cubic foot X 8.418686).

I'm having difficulty relating inch depth markings on the side of the barrel to volume capacity; i.e., how many inches in depth in a cylinder of the size given would = how many gallons (or quarts) of water. The barrel stands upright on its end and is, thus, 35" high when oriented in this fashion, much as a 55-gallon oil drum appears when similarly stowed. Dan Watley

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



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