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7 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Arithmetic progressions 2006-01-31
A student pose la question :
1)the sum to n terms of a particular series is given by Sn=17n-3n2

a)find an expression for the n term of the series
b)show that the series is an arithmetic progression

2)a particular arithmetic progression has a positive common difference and is such that for any three adjacent terms ,three times the sum of their squares exceeds the square of their sum is 375.Find the common difference

Penny Nom lui répond.
Geometric sequences 2004-02-03
Alan pose la question :
hello, I am a junior in precalculus. we started working on geometric sequences today, it makes perfect sense on how it works. but why is it called that? if you could send me an answer to why geometric sequences have that name, I would be much appreciative.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Arithmetic progressions 2002-04-24
David pose la question :
I have been searching everywhere for the formula to mathamatical progression.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Arithmetic sequences 2001-09-10
Rachel pose la question :
I can't seem to figure out a problem that deals with arithmetic sequencing. This is the question: The 5th term in an arithmetic sequence is 1/2, and the 20th term is 7/8. Find the first three terms of the sequence. I attempted this problem with the formula: An = a + (n-1)d (where the n represents the nth term, a is the first term, and d represents the common difference) I keep getting -9.5 for the first number, and then 3/120 as the common difference between the numbers. But as I have figured it, the sequence is getting greater and greater, and my data does not go with the terms given.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Geometric and arithmetic sequences 2001-01-26
Garry pose la question :
what are the equations for geometric and arithmetic sequences?

also, what are the equations for finding the sums of those series?

Leeanne Boehm and Penny Nom lui répond.
Arithmetic Progressions 1998-11-12
Gerry Boser pose la question :
It has been years since I was in school and I can't remember if there is a formula for the following problem:

If you deposit $1.00 on the first day of the month, $2.00 on the second day, $3.00 on the third day . . $31.00 on the last day of the month, how much do you have in the bank?

Now will this formula also work if it was, $0.25 (then day two you would deposit 2x $0.25 or $0.50, day three you would deposit 3x $0.25, $0.75. . . ). Will it work with any denomination??

Thank you for your time. I promise I'll write this one down for future reference. . .
Penny Nom lui répond.

Dividing a Class 1998-10-01
Tom Barker pose la question :
My eighth grade niece called with the following homework problem:

A teacher wanted to divide her class into equally numbered groups. She tried to divide the class into groups of two, but was one student short. She tried to divide the class into groups of five, but was one student short. She tried to divide the class into groups of seven and was successful. What is the least number of students that were in her class?

I know the answer is 49, but don't know how to prove it. I must be getting old if I can't solve eighth grade math problems. Your assistance would be appreciated.
Penny Nom lui répond.




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