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Average price 2017-09-15
Annette pose la question :
If I sold a widget at $15.50 17.5% of the time and $16.50 88.5% of the time what is the algebraic expression for that. How do I arrive at an average price
Penny Nom lui répond.
Price increases and decreases 2009-09-02
craig pose la question :
I work for an industry that bases it price increases and decreases on commodity pricing - Customer get confused on how/why we calculated new prices due to movement in the market - Price go up x% for every $10 of movement in the market -

For this example-
Movement went down by $30 and it is 2% for every $10 - so price decrease was 6%.
Customer's price is currently $100.
We say - $100/1.06= new price of $94.3
Customer says - $100*.94= new price of $94.

They don't understand that if board went back up $30 which would be 6% increase, they wouldn't be back at $100 if they multiplied on the price decrease.
$94*1.06=$99.64 vs. $94.3*1.06=$100 (Back to the original price)

What is the best way to explain to customer besides using this example?

Any help or info is appreciated.


Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



accueil centre de ressources accueil Société mathématique du Canada l'Université de Regina PIMS