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Pre tax and post tax percentages 2018-05-22
Tom pose la question :
I work in a clothes shop which can also do mail-orders. My Head Office has sent a report with which we can check the records we keep in store tally with those at HO.

According to that report we have taken £2578.25 in orders, excluding VAT (20%), which would therefore be £3093.91 including VAT (2578.25+20%=3093.91).

According to my records, we have taken £3179.32 including VAT, which would be £2543.45 excluding VAT (3179.32-20%=2543.45).

Why is it that the difference between the VAT inclusive figures (3179.32-3093.91) is +£85.41, but the difference between the VAT exclusive figures (2543.45-2578.26) is -£34.81?

Now, I can see from the report that 1 order has not been recorded by HO, and I know that our average order value is around £30, so the -£34.81 makes sense. But surely both figures should be a minus, regardless of whether they include VAT?

I'm sure there is an obvious answer, but I just cannot see it! Any help would be gratefully received.

Penny Nom lui répond.



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