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possible outcomes

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6 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
9 games with 3 possible outcomes 2020-09-13
Daniel pose la question :
I’d like to know how many different outcomes would be in a Soccer week played if there is 9 different games 2 teams and 3 outcomes Win, tie or lose

Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Ten games with two possible outcomes for each game 2018-12-22
Jin pose la question :
I'm trying to make a list to view all the possibility.
An example is if I have 2 games there's two outcomes (home/away)
I will use number to represent the teams. 0-1,2-3
All possible out comes are 0-2,0-3,1-2,1-3 right?

MY QUESTION If I have 10 games each have 2 outcomes (home/away) to win
What is all possible outcome.
Could u please provide me with a list of all possible out comes

Thanks you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two spinners 2018-08-13
Atina pose la question :
A spinner has four equal sectors and a number is written on each sector; 1, 2, 3 and 4. A two-digit number is formed by spinning two times. The number on the first spinning makes the first digit and the number on the second spinning makes the second digit. For example, 2 on the first spinning and 1 on the second spinning make the number 21.
(a) Give the sample space S for the experiment.
(b) Consider the following events : E = odd number; F = number smaller than 35; G = prime number. Give the subset of outcomes in S that defines each of the events E, F, and G.
(c) Describe the following events in terms of E, F, and G and find the probabilities for the events.
• getting an even integer less than 35.
• getting an odd number or an prime.
• getting an even number greater than or equal to 35 that is a prime number.
• an odd number smaller than 35 that is not a prime number.
(d) Are E and F mutually exclusive events? Give a reason for your answer.

Penny Nom lui répond.
13 games, 3 possible outcomes 2015-05-01
Kennedy pose la question :
Hello, hope it finds you well.
Am not that good with numbers, can you please help me get all the possible outcomes of 13 games, with a home win, draw or an away win as three possible results for each of the 13 games.

Thanks in advance

Penny Nom lui répond.
Select a card from the deck. 2004-12-02
Heidi pose la question :
Select a card from the deck. What is the probability that this card will be red? Show the number of expected outcomes versus the number of total possible outcomes. What type of event does this represent?
Penny lui répond.
The number of possible outcomes with 8 games 2003-02-21
Gianni pose la question :
If 8 basketball games being played(no ties), which means a total of 16 teams, what are the total number of possible outcomes that can occur.
Penny Nom lui répond.



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