17 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Pre tax and post tax percentages |
2018-05-22 |
Tom pose la question : Hi,
I work in a clothes shop which can also do mail-orders. My Head Office
has sent a report with which we can check the records we keep in store
tally with those at HO.
According to that report we have taken £2578.25 in orders, excluding VAT (20%),
which would therefore be £3093.91 including VAT (2578.25+20%=3093.91).
According to my records, we have taken £3179.32 including VAT, which would be
£2543.45 excluding VAT (3179.32-20%=2543.45).
Why is it that the difference between the VAT inclusive figures (3179.32-3093.91) is +£85.41, but
the difference between the VAT exclusive figures (2543.45-2578.26) is -£34.81?
Now, I can see from the report that 1 order has not been recorded by HO, and I
know that our average order value is around £30, so the -£34.81 makes sense.
But surely both figures should be a minus, regardless of whether they include VAT?
I'm sure there is an obvious answer, but I just cannot see it! Any help would be gratefully
Tom Penny Nom lui répond. |
Actual Food Cost is 3% or more above Projected Food Cost |
2009-04-07 |
Kam pose la question : Your store guidelines states that when Actual Food Cost is 3% or more above Projected Food Cost, immediate corrective action be taken by the Unit Manager. In January, your Actual Food Cost was $11,000, and your Projected Food Cost was $10,850. To find out what percentage the difference is do I divide the difference ($150) by Actual Food Cost ($11,000) or Projected Food Cost ($10,8500)? What would be the answer? Thanks Harley Weston lui répond. |
Percentage difference in pipe volumes |
2009-02-22 |
mike pose la question : what is the % difference between a 3 inch diameter pipe compared to a 4 inch diameter pipe? and how do i find the answer? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percent difference |
2008-08-12 |
mike pose la question : What is the percent difference between two homes if one is worth $525,000
and the other is $425,000. (525,000 - 425,000 = 100,000) Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage difference |
2008-05-20 |
Cavell pose la question : Hi, the projected cost was 71,700. The actual cost was 56,876. What is the percent difference? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The percentage difference between 1/20 to 1/15 |
2007-10-11 |
jake pose la question : what is the percentage difference between 1/20 to 1/15.... Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Percentage differences |
2007-08-29 |
Camilla pose la question : If a store sells a certain syle of skirt, an in the first week they sell 13,
in the second week 20, in the third week 17 and in the fourth week 23, calculate the percentage
difference between the highest and the lowest weekly sale. Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Percentage difference between a microcentury and 50 minutes |
2007-08-21 |
Wonder pose la question : A lecture period (50 min) is close to 1 microcentury.
Find the percentage difference from the approximation? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2007-08-13 |
Karen pose la question : I need a formula for calculating percentages in Excel. For example, we =
sold 4 units of an item one month, and 105 units the next. I need a =
formula to calculate the percentage increase in sales units. Also, if =
5251 were sold one month and 651 the next, what is the formula for =
calculating the percentage difference? Please help, thank you. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percent difference |
2007-05-17 |
Carolyn pose la question : What is the % difference between these two numbers 211373 & 185420 Gabriel Potter, Penny Nom and Steve La Rocque lui répond. |
The percentage difference between 64.24% and 74.24% |
2007-03-03 |
M pose la question : What is the percentage difference between 64.24% and 74.24%? Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage differences |
2006-10-23 |
Michael pose la question : how do I calculate the percentage difference of a certain box size. for example. How much percent smaller is this box: 8.4mm x 6.3mm to this box: 9.35mm x 7mm Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Plotting percentage change |
2006-10-11 |
Beckie pose la question : I have worked out a set of percentage differences which are all percentage decrease. Should i express them as a negative percentage as -20%? I also need to plot them on a graph and am not sure whether to just use the percentage difference as it is, in which case i get a positive gradient, or include a negative axis and plot them in this way, in which case i would get a negative gradient. I think the slope of the curve will be the same either way so it might not matter! Penny lui répond. |
Percent difference |
2004-04-10 |
A parent pose la question : For a school science project, my son Alex is taking measurements of plant growth at regular intervals. As part of the data, he must provide the maximum percent difference observed in the categories his team has identified.
So, for example he has six plants with four measurements each. (He has more, but I'll keep it simple) For the first plant he measured 2mm, 2.4mm, 2.9mm, and 3.2mm. For the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th plants, he has similar numbers. Is there a way to calculate the maximum percent difference between any two plants in his measurements during the project? Doing it for each combination would be tedious. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage difference |
2004-03-28 |
Someone pose la question : what is the percentage difference between 157 to 251 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage |
2002-07-20 |
Sally pose la question : If 20% of 100 is 80, then why is the percentage difference between 80 and 100 25%. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage difference |
2002-03-08 |
Tedd pose la question : Can you give me the formulas for calculating percentage differences between two numbers? For example: if the first number is 10 and the second number is 15, then the second number is 50% larger than the first number. However, the formula to calculate that percentage won't work if the first number is greater than the second number as in the following example: The first number is 15 and the second number is 10, with the second number being 33.3% less than the first number. Or maybe I'm mistaken and the same formula will work in both situations. Penny Nom lui répond. |