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percent difference

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3 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Percent difference 2008-08-12
mike pose la question :
What is the percent difference between two homes if one is worth $525,000 and the other is $425,000. (525,000 - 425,000 = 100,000)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percent difference? 2008-06-14
Cathy pose la question :
I am trying to verify a "percent of difference" as stated on a tax form. I cannot seem to come up with the equation to do so.
Here are a few examples on the form:
Last year $62.91 this year $66.05 tax difference $3.14 percent difference -5.64%
Last year $ 2014.97 this year $1982.93 tax difference $-32.04 percent difference 57.56%
Last year $97.66 this year $79.58 tax difference $-18.08 percent difference 32.48%
I have tried several different ways and per some of Q&A's already on your site I still have a problem and would appreciate some assistance.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Percent difference 2007-05-17
Carolyn pose la question :
What is the % difference between these two numbers 211373 & 185420
Gabriel Potter, Penny Nom and Steve La Rocque lui répond.



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