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parabolic bridge

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5 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A parabolic curve on a bridge 2019-03-09
monica pose la question :
how do i fint the formula for my parabola with the provided information:
the golden gate bridge has a parabola
(343,160) = coordinate
(0,0)= vertex

Penny Nom lui répond.
A suspension bridge 2016-08-18
sai pose la question :
The main cable of a suspension bridge has the shape of a parabola. The cables are strung from the top of two towers, 61 metres apart, each 15.25 metres high above the roadway. The cable is 1.5 metres above the roadway at the point that is directly between the towers.

where a is the constant and its value to be determined.

a) determine the value of the constant a by using that the fact that height of the suspension cable, h(x) is 15.25 metres at each tower. Hence, write the updated model equation.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A parabolic bridge 2012-12-09
Elizabeth pose la question :
1) The figure below shows a bridge across a river. The arch of the bridge is a parabola and the six vertical cables that help support the road are equally spaced at 4-m intervals. Figure B shows the parabolic arch in an x-y coordinate system, with the left-end of the arch at the origin. As indicated in Figure B, the length of the leftmost cable is 3.072 m.

I'm suppose to find the (x-h)^2=-4a(y-k) equation for this word problem and I really do not know where to begin.

Afterwards, I need to find the lengths of the other cables and the maximum height of the arch of the road as well which I am very confused about

Penny Nom lui répond.
A parabolic bridge 2012-04-24
Adiba pose la question :
A bridge constructed over a bayou has a supporting arch in the shape of a parabola .Find the equation of the parabolic arch if the length of the road over the arch is 100 meters and the maximum height of the arch is 40 meters. I did the problem but not sure is it correct . I did like this f(0)=0we get c=40 if we took quadratic equation in x for a down ward parabola then how to find b and a please show me the answer of either a or b .Or I should use the standard form of parabola y=a(x-h)^2+k then how to find a,h,k please help me
Penny Nom lui répond.
A parabolic bridge 2009-10-03
SANDRA pose la question :
a bridge is constructed across the river that is 200 feet wide. the arch is parabolic so that the focus is on the water. A sheep 50 ft wide and 30 ft high passes safely through the arch
a) find equation of the arch
b) find the highest point of the arch

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



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