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Dilemmes & doutes
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5 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
how do you convert ml to oz? 2005-12-05
Sara pose la question :
how do you convert ml to oz?
Penny Nom lui répond.
130 cc. is ? 2004-08-20
Ayrn pose la question :
130 cc. is ? I have to put 130cc. of petroleum in a bucket how much exactly is that? Also 110 cc.? I have to also put 110cc. wood alcohol in a bucket aswell!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why is ounces abbreviated oz? 2004-04-22
Someone curious pose la question :
Why is ounces abbreviated oz?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Dorothy and the wizard 2003-01-24
Ken pose la question :

dorothy was going to see the wizard of oz...she stopped at the bakery and bought a box of cookies.

she met the scarecrow and gave him half the cookies. she ate half of the remaining cookies and threw one half cookie away.

she met the tin man and gave him half the cookies. she ate half the remaining cookies and threw one half cookie away.

she met the lion. she gave him half of her cookies. she ate half the remaining cookies and threw the LAST half cookie away.

how many cookies did dorothy leave the bakery with?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two gross minus two score 2000-04-20
Georgie pose la question :
What is two gross minus two score?
Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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