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original price

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11 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
What was the original price? 2020-02-01
Gracie pose la question :
If you buy something for $6.30 and it’s 30%off what was the original price?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the original price? 2019-05-15
Tyler pose la question :
if 45% of an item is $90.00, then what is the original price
Penny Nom lui répond.
80% of an item is $200.00 80% of an item is $200.00 2019-04-25
kayla pose la question :
if 80% of a item is $200.00 what is the original price
Penny Nom lui répond.
Price before VAT and a discount 2018-11-15
Carol pose la question :
I bought a computer for £330.
The selling price included VAT at 20%.
Then I was allowed a staff discount of £30.
What was it’s original price before the VAT and staff discount?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The wholesale price given the retail price and the markup 2018-02-07
Matthew pose la question :
Retail $99
Mark-up is 80%

What is the equation to find the original (wholesale) price (55)?


Penny Nom lui répond.
A 15% discount 2016-08-09
eunice pose la question :
brian brought a printer sale at the store. the discount was 15%, and brian saved 550. what was the printer original price?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 70% off sale 2016-05-11
virginia pose la question :
If the sale price is $129.99 @ 70% off - what was the original price?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The original price before a discount and taxes 2015-12-09
Michelle pose la question :
Good day,

I would like to know if there is a particular equation to validate the following information:

I had to find the original cost of an item sold for 759.36$ before a 25% discount and 13% taxes. I know we must use separate question to obtain the answer but I am unsure how to write the equation to validate my answer.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two price reductions and a coupon 2015-09-16
Suszanne pose la question :
Mary purchased an item for 45% off the original price, plus an additional 20% off the sale price.She also had a $5 off coupon, which the salesclerk applied after these two discounts. Mary's final purchase price for the item was $50. She paid no sales tax, what was the original price of the item?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the original price? 2013-04-25
Dylan pose la question :
shirts on sale for 25% off, the sale price is 12.75. What is the original price?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find the original price 2009-11-06
Cyndy pose la question :
Find the original price of a pair of shoes if the sale price is $98.00 after a 30% discount.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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