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Centrale des maths - centraledesmaths.uregina.ca
Dilemmes & doutes
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number sentence

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Creating a number sentence 2018-06-29
trish pose la question :
First I have to solve the problem. Then write a number sentence for the problem. The problem: By installing a $120.00 thermostat that reduces the temperature setting at night a family hopes to cut its annual fuel bill for heating oil by 8%, and recover the cost of the thermostat in fuel savings after 2years. What was the family's annual fuel bill before installing the thermostat? Thanks can't figure this one out!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Figures with dots 2012-02-15
A pose la question :
Okay so my daughter came home and had this question for homework from her teacher. I have no idea what it means HELP!!
The question shows a figure that is a square. It has 5 dots on the top, bottom and on the sides looks similar to this:
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they want to know 3 more ways to show the number of dots in the figure. They have already shown one with just counting them and the other one that they showed was circling the four corner dots and then taking the dots in between with a number sentence set up like this: 4+4*(5-2) = 4+4*3= 16. They also besides giving 3 ways want us to write a number sentence and an algebraic sentence to show the number of dots in the figure with "n" sides. Please help! So confusing ! I don't know if my square turned out or not but it should be 5 across the top and bottom and on the sides and no dots in teh middle it is just the outside.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Number sentences 2007-09-15
jen pose la question :
list the addition number sentences that can be written using two sets of cards with the numbers 5 6 and 7. which number sentences have the same addends but show a different order?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ithis is for my son in 3rd grade and for the life of us we can't figure it out,,thanks for this elementary help
Harley Weston lui répond.
Algebra 2007-04-03
Emily pose la question :
9,365 and 2,242 added to the difference between 255 and half of a number is 11,784. What is the number?
Haley Ess lui répond.



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