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Centrale des maths - centraledesmaths.uregina.ca
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multiple angles

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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
sin(2x)/sin(3x) 2008-06-19
matt pose la question :
how does sin2x break down (not with identities) and how would sin3x be created. My prob. is sin 2x/ sin 3x and I want to know how the double(or triple angle) would break down. I want to be able to cancel out sins. Thanks!
Harley Weston lui répond.
Sin(3x), cos(3x) and tan(3x) 2004-01-28
Jon pose la question :
What is the identity for cos3x, sin3x, and tan3x? In class, we learned double angel identities and were asked to find out the identity to these three trig functions. If you can help, please do. Also, i know that the cos4x- sin4x is the same as cos2x. Is cos8x-sin8x = cos2x also true? Thank you.s
Chris Fisher lui répond.



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