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method of substitution

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Elimination and substitution 2010-09-18
Lauren pose la question :
Solve one using the method of substitution and the other with the method of elimination.

v a. y=5x+4

b. 4x+3y=7

Penny Nom lui répond.
The method of substitution 2009-09-17
laura pose la question :
ok! i really need help with this question plz help!!

x= - 4y +5
x+2y = 7

Penny Nom lui répond.
The method of substitution 2004-09-20
Kayla pose la question :

Harley Weston lui répond.
Systems of equations 2003-11-19
Scott pose la question :

I hope that u can help me....I am a college student taking a class in Pre Calculus.....I have homework due this Friday and it counts a BIG Percentage on my FINAL grade.....I am getting mixed up and can not figure out a few problems.....Please help me.....

Method Of Subsitution

Problem 1. y- 8x = -5
x(squared) + y(squared) = 25

Problem 2. y = x(squared) - 2x - 6
Y = x(squared) - 4

Penny Nom lui répond.




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