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A range hood 2017-12-04
Chuck pose la question :
I'm building a custom range hood and can't seem to get the angles correct where the front and side panels intersect.
I saw a similar post but there's no way I can do the calculations for a Wolfram Alpha!

Here are the dimensions that I have (in inches)...

Base - Front 29 7/16" x side 19 3/16"
Top - Front 10" x side 9"
Front Panel Length (from base to top on an angle) 21"
Side Panel Length (from base to top on an angle) - 17 9/16" Vertical distance from the base to the top 14 1/4 inches.

Any help finding the bevel/miter of the two front corners where the sides meet the front panel would be greatly appreciated.

I will need the angle for the saw in degrees.

Thank you in advance!

Regards, Chuck

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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