Pat pose la question : trying to figure out division of tips I have 3 full time employees 40 hrs a week and 1 part time worker 12 hours a week what percentages do i give them to give them appropriate tips :-) Harley Weston lui répond.
Bev pose la question : Total sales revenues are 116391.38 this amount includes 5% GST and 80% of this amount includes a 7% provincial tax. The other 20% is PST exempt. GST is included in all. How do I figure the PST I owe? Penny Nom lui répond.
Colleen pose la question : I work out my claimable gst each month but need to know the total sales or purchases amounts for filling in my six monthly paper work. How do I do that. I tried doing the opposite of calculating the gst i.e. x3 and /23 but it is slightly different to my total. Penny Nom lui répond.
Jack pose la question : If a product cost me $10.00 and I want a profit of 35% what is my sell price? How do I figure the sale price to make a 35% profit on the sale? Penny Nom lui répond.
I wish to create a pattern to knit an item that will then be felted, thus, shrink as a result. In order to determine the proper gauge to use in creating the item, I produced a gauge swatch, noted the original properties and then the post-felting properties. They are as follow:
Before Felting:
20 stitches(width) x 20 rows(height)yielded: Gauge: 3.2 stitches(width) and 4 rows(height) = 1" Dimensions: 6.25"(width) x 5.25"(height)
After Felting:
20 stitches(width) x 20 rows(height) Dimensions: 4"(width) x 3"(height)
How do I calculate the percentage change in size to accurately determine the number of stitches and rows needed to produce the desired dimensions for the finished (felted) item?
Penny Nom lui répond.
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Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.