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math beyond school decimal

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6 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Decimals,fractions and percentages 2014-04-11
Frances pose la question :
Ask an expert to find out their real life usage of your topic... that is the question. meaning what is your real life usage of using decimals,fractions and percentages. This is all part of my math assignment to ask an expert real life usage... so please reply back as soon as possible
Penny Nom lui répond.
How are decimals used in every day life? 2010-09-01
Keith pose la question :
how are deciminal used in every day life
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Integers and decimals in day to day life 2009-06-29
mitichie pose la question :
can you tell use of integers and decimals in our day to day life.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Decimals and fractions used in our daily lives 2008-12-04
josh pose la question :
i have a projecct due friday and i need to know, how are decimals and fractions used in our daily lives. i am having trouble coming up with ideas. i need seven more that dont involve money or recipes. please help me.
Harley Weston lui répond.
How many bags of cement will I need? 2008-01-15
James pose la question :
I want to extend my front porshe more to the left atleast 14' 1" length wise and 5' 1" width wise with 4" thickness. Now i already decimalized in feet those inches, resulting with 14.08 length and 5.08width and 0.33 of thickness. I then Get my square feet of 71.53. And go on to cubic feet getting a 23.60 in cubic feet. Now i want to convert to cubic yards so i then divide 23.60 into 27 and get 0.87. Now my question is how would i use this to go and buy the necessary bags of cement knowing that a 94 lb. bag of cement is 1 cubic foot of bulk material. To fill 4 inch of thickness and 14' of length and 5 of width?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Decimals in everyday life 2002-11-24
Fritz pose la question :
How do you use decimals in your every day life?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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