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Solve for theta if 8cos^2 theta-3=1 2011-12-02
Katherine pose la question :
Hi, I have just learned to solve trigonometric problems for theta and have one specific question in order to find the solutions to my homework. I will use one example for this question. If I have 8cos^2 theta-3=1 I first divide by 8 and get cos^2theta=3/8 then I have cos theta= plus or minus the square root of 3/8 Then I assume that I plug in inverse cos (the square root of 3/8) to my calculator. How do I find the four solutions (we are typically supposed to find four, I believe?) Can you help me with finding the solution to this problem? Thank you!
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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