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Dilemmes & doutes
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6 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
6 poules pondent 6 oeufs en 6 jours 2005-03-01
Nathalie pose la question :
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The price of eggs rises 10 cents per dozen 2018-11-10
Maddie pose la question :
Hi! I'm currently struggling with a word problem that says: "If the price of eggs rises 10 cents per dozen, one will be able to get 2 dozen fewer eggs with $6.00 than was possible at the lower price. What is the lower price? We are working on completing the square and all of the problems I've done so far in this chapter require using that method. If possible and needed, could you explain how to set up the equation? Thank you so much! I appreciate all your help!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
A probability question concerning eggs 2016-10-16
Brian pose la question :
Two participants are alternatively selecting eggs from a basket of 6 hard-boiled eggs and 6 uncooked eggs. Alternatively they are smashing the eggs on their foreheads. One participant gets 4 hard boiled eggs in a row and the other person gets 4 uncooked eggs in a row. What is the probability of this occurring (I watched this happen).

Thank you


Penny Nom lui répond.
Stacking eggs 2009-03-12
Prashanth pose la question :
if you stack two eggs eah in row you must get 1 balance
if you stack three eggs eah in row you must get 2 balance
if you stack four eggs eah in row you must get 3 balance
if you stack five eggs eah in row you must get 4 balance
it goes on like 6 , 7 , 8 and finally
if you stack nine eggs eah in row you must get 8 balance what would be the answer and how to reach it

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The cousin of Sally's sister's boyfriend 2003-01-23
Michael pose la question :
Sally went to a farm to buy eggs. Returning home, she gave half of them to her sister who, in turn, gave a third of those she had gotten to her boyfriend. The latter, after eating one third of the eggs that he had gotten, gave the rest to his cousin. Given that each egg weighs 70 grams, that Sally cannot carry more than 2.5kg, and that the eggs were raw, calculate how many eggs the cousin of Sally's sister's boyfriend received.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sale on eggs 2002-01-17
A student pose la question :
A store had a sale on eggs, selling 13 eggs for the usual price of a dozen eggs. As a result, the price of the eggs was reduced by 4 cents a dozen. What is the original price for a dozen eggs?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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