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dirichlet condition

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Un article trouvé pour ce sujet.
Fourier transform 2001-08-07
Adbul pose la question :
  1. Sir, we have the Dirichlet's condition for the Fourier transform : " The function should be integral over the real line " But why we are we neglecting this for example when we take the Fourier transform of an impulse train?

  2. Suppose we want to travel from one corner of a square of side 'a' to the diagonally opposite corner. We can travel along the sides which gives a pah length of '2a'. We can also do it in steps as shown below:

      _ | |_PATH |   |_ |_____| 

    Suppose The step size =DELTA x Then the path length will be again '2a'. Now in the limit DELTA x -->0 again we get '2a' But when we take the limit we get the straight line diagonal whose length is 'SQRT(2)X a' Where did I go wrong?

Chris Fisher lui répond.



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