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cutting a board

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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Cutting a board 2003-01-20
George pose la question :
A person has a sheet of board which he saws into two (2) pieces. The length of the first piece is two thirds the length of the original board, while the length of the second piece is four feet longer than the first piece. How long was the original board? (the length is defined as the longer of the two sides of the board)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cutting a board into 8 equal pieces 1999-10-21
Brittany pose la question :
Jamie wanted a board cut into 8 equal pieces. The Lucas Lumber Co. charges 60 cents for cutting a board into 4 equal pieces. How much will it charge for cutting Jamie's board?
Claude Tardif lui répond.



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