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13 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Two concentric circles 2016-12-21
shrestha pose la question :
Two concentric circles have radii of 14 cm and 7 cm respectively. Find the area of space between them.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two concentric circles 2015-05-28
Shannan pose la question :
Two concentric circles have radii of 24cm and 26cm. What is the length of the chord that is tangent to the inner circle? Include a sketch
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two concentric circles 2015-04-21
Juniper pose la question :
Two concentric circles have radii of 4 cm and 8 cm. A segment is drawn so that it is tangent to the smaller circle and a chord of the larger circle. How long is the segment?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of the ring between two concentric circles 2015-04-08
Conner pose la question :
The area of the ring between two concentric circles is 25pi/2 square inches. The length of a chord of the larger circle tangent to the smaller circle is?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Two concentric circles 2015-02-25
Manasi pose la question :
The area between 2 concentric circles is 6 times the smaller circle. Radius of small circle is 7 cm. Find the difference in the circumference of the bigger circle ad the smaller circle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two concentric circles 2015-01-25
nazneen pose la question :
select the correct answer from the given four options

given are two concentric circles. radii of outer circle & inner circle are r1 & r2 respectively. the areas of inner circle & shaded ring are equal. the radii r1 & r2 are related by?

1. r1 = r2
2. r1 = r2*square root 2
3. r1 = r2*square root 3
4. r1 = 2r2

Penny Nom lui répond.
The region between two concentric circles 2014-10-27
Ray pose la question :
two circles, concentric; Given the length of chord of outer circle that is tangent to inner circle. what are the areas of both? how to calculate?
Penny Nom lui répond.
2 concentric circles 2013-11-27
Dimaris pose la question :
The radius of the outer circle of 2 concentric circles is x. An equilateral triangle inscribed in the outer circle also circumscribes the inner circle. What is the radius of the inner circle in terms of x?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Concentric circles 2009-10-14
maddy pose la question :
Find the exact area of the region bounded by two concentric circles with radii 10 inches and 6 inches.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two concentric circles form an annulus 2007-05-02
A student pose la question :
In the diagram below, two concentric circles form an annulus. The vertical line is tangent to the inner circle, and forms the diameter of a third circle.

Explain why the areas of the annulus and third circle are the same.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two concentric circles 2007-04-19
James pose la question :
Two concentric circles have a chord running through the outer one. The chord is the tangent of the inner circle and is 14 cm.The outer circle is shaded and the inner circle is not. Find the exact area of the shaded region without using a calculator.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two concentric circles 2007-02-11
maria pose la question :
i have a problem with this quadratic word problem which i am trying to solve it but couldn,t get it please help me to solve this question Two concentric circles are drawn, the radius of one being 2cm greater than that of the other. The area of the ring enclosed between the two circles is one quarter of the area of the smaller circle.Calculate the radii of the circles,correct to three significant figures. (Don,t substitute for pie)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Are the vetices of this quadrilateral concyclic? 2005-01-30
A student pose la question :
Show that the peints A(-2,0),B(6,6),C(-1,7) and D(-2,6) are concyclic. Also find its circum radius.
Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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