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compacted soil

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Un article trouvé pour ce sujet.
Compacted and uncompacted soil 2015-12-05
J.H. pose la question :
I am negotiating with a company to sell them land that they would use for excavating soil to be used in construction. I would like to value the land based on the volume of soil they are likely to remove. I have seen several answers, giving the calculation based on 43,650 sq. ft./acre x number of acres x number of feet in depth, divided by 27 to convert the number to cu. yds. However, that is the number when compacted. They pay $.50/yd. of soil removed, but that yd. is not compacted. How do you calculate the number of yds. of uncompacted soil in 1 acre of land?
Harley Weston lui répond.



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