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8 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Continuity on a closed interval 2014-09-21
Pragya pose la question :
The trouble I'm having is as follows :
a continuous function is most of the times defined on a closed interval, but how is it possible to define it on a closed interval ,because to be continuous at endpoints of the interval the function's limit must exist at that endpoint,for which it has to be defined in its neighborhood,but we don't know anything about whether the function is always defined in the neighborhood.
Please help...

Penny Nom lui répond.
Is a line lying in a plane an open or a closed region? 2013-02-13
pardeep pose la question :
please help with this question on the open and closed intervals :: Is a line lying in a plane an open or a closed region? my teacher says it is a closed region reasoning out that it contains all it boundary points. please help how is it so?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Differentiable on an interval 2010-08-12
Dave pose la question :
Hi I was wondering if a function can be differentiable at its endpoint. For example if I have Y = X^2 and it is bounded on closed interval [1,4], then is the derivative of the function differentiable on the closed interval [1,4] or open interval (1,4). They always say in many theorems that function is continuous on closed interval [a,b] and differentiable on open interval (a,b) and an example of this is Rolle's theorem. Thank you for your help.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The extended real numbers 2009-11-02
Justin pose la question :
Hello there, I was wondering is the set of extended real numbers a closed set or an open set?


Robert Dawson lui répond.
The area enclosed by a curve and the x-axis 2009-01-04
Rogerson pose la question :
Find the area, S, enclosed by the curve y = -x^2 + 6x - 5 and the x-axis in the interval 0≤x≤4.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Open dots and closed dots 2005-09-29
Cynthia pose la question :
When graphing the solutions of an inequality, what is the difference between an open dot and a closed dot?
Penny lui répond.
A line from the center of the patch to the periphery 2005-01-01
Sandrine pose la question :
I am currently researching a patch disease of grasses. These patches are roughly circular. I need a term for a line from the center of the patch to the periphery. Since the patches are not perfectly circular, my supervisors tell me I cannot use the word 'radius'. What else could I use?
Denis Hanson and Harley Weston lui répond.
Finite differences 2003-02-10
Jenny pose la question :

I need to find a formula that will work with any number.
I am finding the volume of a 3d cross- shape. Here are my results so far:

Term Number      0   1    2    3     4      5
nth term         1    7   25   63   129    231
1rst diff           6   18   38   66     102
2nd diff              12    20   28   36
3rd diff                  8     8    8

I can't seem to find a formula that will work with any number. Any help would be much appreciated.

Penny Nom lui répond.




Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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