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Centrale des maths - centraledesmaths.uregina.ca
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casting out 9s

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3 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
The cube root of 729 2014-11-12
Alexis pose la question :
What would be the square root of 729 to the third power and could you explain how to get the answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What's it called? 2004-04-22
Gerry pose la question :

I'm a father and a grandfather and have come up with a game for my offspring to play while we're on the road. When we see a license plate, the object is to be the first one to add all the numbers on it, and come up with THE one digit number that sums them up.

For example: ABC-787 = 7+8+7 = 22 = 2+2 = 4

Another example is 2932 = 2+9+3+2 = 16 = 1+6 = 7

Up 'til now, I've called it just plain "Numerology", but I'm sure that there's a math term for what we're doing, and I'd sure appreciate it if you could tell me what it is!

Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
Divisibility by 9 2000-10-24
Kelera pose la question :
If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 9, then the number itself it divisible by 9. Why is that? How do you explain this?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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