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bouncing ball

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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Watching a bouncing ball through a window 2014-01-15
Bob pose la question :
A ball falls from the roof, at a height of 10m. After each impact on the ground it bounces back up to 4/5 of its previous height. How many times will the ball appear in front of a rectangular window whose bottom edge is at a height of 5m, and whose top edge at a height of 6m?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A bouncing ball 2002-12-14
Eman pose la question :

Q : When a childís ball is dropped from a height h metres on to a hard, flat floor, it rebounds to a height of 3/5h metres. The ball is dropped initially from a height of 1.2m.

  1. Find the maximum height to which the ball rises after two bounces.
  2. Find the total distance that the ball has traveled when it hits the floor for the tenth time.
  3. Assuming that the ball continues to bounce in the same way indefinitely, find the total distance that the ball travels.

Penny Nom lui répond.



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