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blood type

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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Blood type probabilities 2007-12-01
Noelle pose la question :
Question from Noelle, a student:

Blood Type % Population
O+               37.4%
O-                 6.6%
A+               35.8%
A-                 6.3%
B+                8.5%
B-                 1.5%
AB+              3.4%
AB-                 .6%

I need to make another table showing the probablility of meeting someone in each of the eight blood groups. I'm not sure how to find the probability with percentages. Thanks for your help.
Penny Nom lui répond.

Probability and blood type 2007-06-15
Jim pose la question :
Blood Type Male Female Total
O 80 370 450
A 150 250 400
B 50 50 100
AB 20 30 50
Total 400 600 1000
What is the probability that the person selected is female if the person’s blood type is O?
What is the probability that the person selected has blood type AB if the person is male?
What is the probability that the person selected is a female with blood type O?

Penny Nom lui répond.



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