Support Materials for On-going Activities

Earning Money

Income is when you work for money. You can earn money by working hard at the following jobs. Here is a list of the jobs and the income that you'll make by doing them. After you have begun earning money you will need to pay your bills. They are also listed here for you.

Jobs:  To Earn Money
Cleaning desks
Cleaning lockers
Putting boots on rack
Being ready
Being organized
PE01644A.gif (2627 bytes)

Pay Monthly Bills

BS00621A.gif (3644 bytes) Rental of your desks
Use of pencil sharpener
Use of teacher's supplies
Water (bathroom, fountain)
Electircity (heating, lights)
Teacher's pay
Taxes, Pension
Unemployment insurance
Total Due By ________________________________________________

Earning Income

You will need lots of income to pay all of your bills at the end of the week. Keep track of your money below.

Jobs I Did Income Earned Jobs I Did Income Earned


10 No-Cost Rewards


Match a Country to Its Currency

Match each foreign currency with correct country. Put the correct number on the corresponding coin to the country.

Map of the World Answer Key
1. Leu Romania 6. Rand India
2. Franc France 7. Yen Japan
3. Forint Hungary 8. Renminbi China
4. Lira Italy 9. Peseta Spain
5. Dollar Canada 10.Pound England

Journal Writing Activities

  1. Do you receive an allowance? How much? How do you spend it? Do you think allowances are a good idea? Explain
  2. List 10 ways that you can earn money. Be creative.
  3. Why do stores sell items for $3.99 in stead of $4.00.
  4. Jennifer bought nail polish for $5.99, the clerk gave her $4.01 change for a $10.00 bill Is the change correct? How do you know?
  5. Sara said that five dimes are worth more than 4 quarters because 5 is greater than 4. What's wrong with her reasoning?
  6. Choose a money word and write an acrostic poem.
  7. Draw yourself as a lottery winner.
  8. List slang words for money.
  9. List 10 items that you could buy for a loonie or less.
  10. List Canadian Banks.


Money Sayings

Use the following money expressions in a sentence and explain.

You could make a mint!
Not for all the money in the world!
Build a nest egg!
Dime a dozen!
Midas touch!
Cost an arm and a leg!
Other side of the coin!
Save for a rainy day!
Money doesn't grow on trees!
Born with a silver spoon in your mouth!
Don't take any wooden nickels!
A fool and his money are soon parted!
Money talks!
Cold, hard cash!
A penny for your thoughts!
The buck stops here!
Money burns a hole in his pocket!
Every cloud has a silver lining!
It's worth its weight in gold!
Put in your two cents worth!
Put your money where your mouth is!


Pig Log Pattern



This can be xeroxed and sponge painted using neon pink acrylic paint. Mount on black construction paper approximately half an 8 ½ x 11 sheet and laminate. Glue on googley eyes, make an accordion nose, glue on pig. Glue small pink button on nose. Trace slot line with marker and add some sticker coins coming out of the slot.


Inside Page for Pig Log