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volume of a triangular pyramid

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A gravel pile in the shape of a triangular pyramid 2013-04-04
Casey pose la question :
Right now I am stuck and I feel embarrassed because I feel like the answer is so easy I should know it.

I am working on a project and need to find a volume of gravel it will take to occupy this triangular prism like area. I am not sure what formulas I should use whether it be that for the volume of a pyramid or something more complex? Basically it forms a right triangle at one side then from there all points slope to one singular point about 10412mm away.
I am attaching a picture drawn up in paint with the actual dimensions to clear up any confusion.

Thank you for any help. Casey

Penny Nom lui répond.
Question 2013-04-04
Casey pose la question :
Right now I am stuck and I feel embarrassed because I feel like the answer is so easy I should know it.

I am working on a project and need to find a volume of gravel it will take to occupy this triangular prism like area. I am not sure what formulas I should use whether it be that for the volume of a pyramid or something more complex? Basically it forms a right triangle at one side then from there all points slope to one singular point about 10412mm away.
I am attaching a picture drawn up in paint with the actual dimensions to clear up any confusion.

Thank you for any help. Casey

Penny Nom lui répond.



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