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uniform density function

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A uniform probability density function 2012-03-26
Noeline pose la question :
The label on a bottle of liquid detergent shows contents to be 12 ounces per bottle. The production operation fills the bottle uniformly according to the following probability density function:
f(x) = 8 for 11.975 ≤ x ≤12.10
f(x) = 0 elsewhere

a. What is the probability that a bottle will be filled with 12.02 or more ounces?
b. What is the probability that a bottle will be filled between 12 and 12.05 ounces?
c. Quality control accepts production that is within .002 ounces of number of ounces shown on the container label. What is the probability that a bottle of this liquid detergent will fail to meet the quality control standard?

Penny Nom lui répond.



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