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truncated pyramid

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6 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A truncated square-based pyramid 2014-10-22
Beth pose la question :
How do you find the height of the original square-based pyramid when given the sides (12cm) of the base and height (6cm) of the truncated pyramid, as well as the sides (3cm) of the base of the chopped off top (chopped off parallel to the base)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a pond 2013-08-14
Kelly pose la question :
I have a pond that measures 335 feet wide, 385 feet long and 18 feet deep with a 4:1 slope on all four side. How do I figure out how many gallons of water this pond will hold?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Building a custom range hood 2011-10-08
Bill pose la question :
I'm building a custom range hood for a customer with special order material that matches their newly installed cabinets and I need it to be perfect. The hood is basically a pyramid but the 4th side is the flat wall at the back and a flat, rectangular top. I need to calculate the bevel and miter of the three sides but I never was very good with geometry functions (although I am fairly good with other math fields). I either need the calculations from you at least (shudder) a formula or set of formulas so that I can calculate them myself.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The volume of a hopper 2011-04-13
michael pose la question :
I have a tank that is 72" x 72" at the top and 10" x 10" at the bottom and is 31" tall. I need to calculate the cubic feet of the tank
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a truncated pyramid 2010-10-12
A pose la question :
what is the formula to find out volume of a pyramid with individual length and breadth? For example bottom size is 6.5m x 6.5m, top size 1.5m x 4.2m and height 0.8m. please send me the formula.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The volume of a feed hopper 2008-12-18
John pose la question :
I need to calculate the volume of a feed hopper, and I'm not sure how to break it down. The top of the hopper is 36" x 36", it is 30" deep, and ends at a 6" x 6" plate. One side of the hopper is straight top to bottom, of course tapering on two sides to meet at the plate. The other three sides angle down at about 75 degrees. I need to determine the cubic foot volume of this hopper (it is used for ground coffee) so I can configure a vibrator to knock down residual grounds. Thanks.
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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