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3 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Dividing the tips 2020-01-02
Pat pose la question :
trying to figure out division of tips I have 3 full time employees 40 hrs a week and 1 part time worker 12 hours a week what percentages do i give them to give them appropriate tips :-)
Harley Weston lui répond.
A 15% tip 2006-12-06
Danielle pose la question :
When she eats at a restaurant,Viviana like to leave a 15% tip,multiplying the price of the meal by 0.15. Franklin usually leaves a 20% tip,multiplying the price by 0.20.They both round up to the nearest $0.05. How much tip would Viviana leave for a $24.85 meal?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What was the total cost of the dinners he served 2006-09-10
Connie pose la question :
Walter is a waiter at the town diner. He earns a daily wage of $100 plus tips that equal to .15 of the total cost of the dinners he serves. What was the total cost of the dinners he served if he earned $170 on Tuesday?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



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