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three dimensional

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Crown molding mitre cuts 2000-11-06
Jim Tomfohrde pose la question :
My question has to do with making mitre cuts when installing crown molding. Crown molding is the trim that is put up at the top of walls with one edge on the wall and the other edge on the ceiling. To make a mitre cut on your mitre saw for a 90-degree corner you can lay the molding flat on the saw base, set the bevel of the blade to 34 degrees and the mitre to 31.5 degrees (these may be slightly appoximate). Of course depending on which piece of molding you're cutting you will cut one end or the other, or use the left or right end. These angles allow the cuts to line up and form a seamless corner when they're put in place on the wall/ceiling at 90 degrees. My question is this - is there some mathematical formula from which the 34 degrees and 31.5 degrees are derived. I want to know this because in many cases the corner is not 90 degrees but can be more or less, and in these instances I would like to know if I can calculate the bevel and mitre to use based on the angle of the corner.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Three dimensional rectangle 2000-01-11
Dennis Murphy pose la question :
I would like to find out the name of a Three dimensional rectangle.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Dotted graph paper 1999-04-08
Bridget Winward pose la question :
A teacher at our school is trying to locate dotted graph paper online or in print. His class would like to make three dimensional, geometerical drawings.
Please let us know if you have a good source.

Jack LeSage lui répond.
Intersection of planes 1998-11-22
Dave Rasmussen pose la question :
I am a teacher of secondary mathematics with a question about the uses of Three Dimensional Co-ordinate Geometry. I have been teaching my students to write equations of planes and lines, - to find the intersection of these and the distance between them. What I am having difficulty finding are good applications of these techniques to "real world" situations. Can anybody help me?
Walter Whiteley and Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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