4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Listing three digit combinations |
2019-07-17 |
Larry pose la question : Using numbers 0-9, what are all the possible combinations of choosing 3 numbers regardless of order and no 3 numbers being used more than 2 times in the combination. So no 1,1,1, 2,2,2, 3,3,3 etc. Order does not matter. Could you please send me a listing of all those combinations? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Pool Digit Combinations |
2018-04-18 |
Jacob pose la question : I need to know all the possible 3 digit combinations from the following pool of digits: 1st pool (1,2,3), 2nd pool (4,5) and the 3rd pool (7,8,9,0). Each pool has to be represented in the combinations.
The numbers can be repeated as long as they are not of the same set.
Example for not repeating: 123 is ok but not 321 or 231,132,213, etc.
The question is somehow related to Mike's but the difference is the digits are allocated into pools. Your help can assist me solve a mystery. Thanks. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Three digit combinations |
2004-01-27 |
Kevin pose la question : how many 3 digit combinations can be made with 0-9. i have been told only 1,000. when i asked jeeves the response was 750 without using any digit twice. i have entered a raffle and received a ticket with 4 sets of 3 digit numbers. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The number of three digit combinations |
2003-08-16 |
Fred pose la question : There are four close friends having a heated discussion concerning the the number of three digit combinations using the numbers 0 through 9. The discussionÝinvolves the daily lottery.Ý Any assistance you can lend would be greatly appreciated. Penny Nom lui répond. |