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three digit

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24 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Listing three digit combinations 2019-07-17
Larry pose la question :
Using numbers 0-9, what are all the possible combinations of choosing 3 numbers regardless of order and no 3 numbers being used more than 2 times in the combination. So no 1,1,1, 2,2,2, 3,3,3 etc. Order does not matter. Could you please send me a listing of all those combinations?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit codes 2019-07-14
Jessica pose la question :
I need to find the total number of 3 digit codes using the digits 1 through 9. How many of these codes would be odd numbers, and how many even?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A three digit code 2019-07-14
Hannah pose la question :
I have a briefcase with a three-digit code. I can set the code myself using digits 1 through 9, assuming that each digit can only be used once. How many possible codes are there?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Pool Digit Combinations 2018-04-18
Jacob pose la question :
I need to know all the possible 3 digit combinations from the following pool of digits: 1st pool (1,2,3), 2nd pool (4,5) and the 3rd pool (7,8,9,0). Each pool has to be represented in the combinations.
The numbers can be repeated as long as they are not of the same set. Example for not repeating: 123 is ok but not 321 or 231,132,213, etc.

The question is somehow related to Mike's but the difference is the digits are allocated into pools. Your help can assist me solve a mystery. Thanks.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A three digit number 2015-11-13
Tina pose la question :
The sum of the digits of a 3-digit odd number is 13. The digit in the tens place is 4 less than the digit in the hundreds place and 3 more than the ones digit. What is the number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
3-digit, daily numbers 2011-09-29
Margaret pose la question :
I need the list/group for a raffle that would contain the combinations for a 3 digit (000-999) daily number. There would be 100 tickets sold with 10 3-digit numbers from each numerical group beginning from 000's, 100's 200's, 300's,...900's. No duplicates/replacement. What would be the list of possible combinations of each group of 100 tickets, keeping each different group/list of combinations in separate blocks of 100 tickets without duplication. So I could use 1 list of 100 this year and the next list of combos next year and so forth. Please help!

Example: 000,197,245,367,445,569,618,777,842,964

What would be the possible lists of each 100 tickets? Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
A three digit number 2010-09-22
Andrew pose la question :
Both the sum and the product of its three digits are 6. The least digit is in the hundreds place and the greatest digit is in the ones place. Write it in word form:
Penny Nom lui répond.
Choose any three digits that are less than ten 2010-09-12
cecille pose la question :
my son have a homework, but i don't understand the question. here's the problem:
choose any three digits that are less than ten.
make all the two digit number you can using those three digits.
add up the two digit numbers you created and divided by the sum of the original three digits.
record your answer. then do it again with another three digits. write your observation about the answer.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Three digit odd numbers 2010-02-04
Rebecca pose la question :
Question from rebecca, a student:

how many three digit odd numbers can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6 without using any digit more than once?

Tyler Wood lui répond.
Three digit numbers 2009-12-11
christopher pose la question :
i need a list of all 3 digit combinations with repeat of a number thnx
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cubes and squares 2009-09-16
Stanley pose la question :
What is a three consecutive digit number like 5,6,7 , which is two less than a cube and two more than a square?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A three digit number 2009-09-04
Mark pose la question :
How many 3 digit positive integers are odd and do not contain the digit 5?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three consecutive natural numbers 2009-01-26
abby pose la question :
1.what is the smallest four-digit number that is the sum of the three consecutive natural numbers? what are the three consecutive natural numbers that give this sum?

2.what is the largest three digit number whose square root is a prime?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit combinations 2008-11-12
Jimmy pose la question :
How many 3 digit combinations are possible using numbers 1-9? How did you get that answer?
Harley Weston lui répond.
3 digit combinatios from 0-9 2008-07-27
Mike pose la question :
I need to know all the possible 3 digit combinations using the numbers 0-9. The numbers can be repeated as long as they are not of the same set. Example for not repeating: 123 is ok but not 321 or 231,132,213, etc. Please help me. Thanks, Mike.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Some three-digit numbers 2008-03-05
Toni pose la question :
The following is a word pattern problem listed on my son's homework: write a set of three-digit numbers that contain one odd number and three even numbers. This confused the both of us because that would make his number a four digit number, right? please respond. Thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit numbers where all digits are even 2007-09-14
Cielo pose la question :
Hannah made a list of all of the three digit whole numbers where all three digit were even. How many three digit whole numbers were on Hannah's list?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 3 digit number divisible by 7 2004-05-03
A student pose la question :
We need to arrange 1,3 and 6 to form a 3 digit number that is divisible by 7.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit combinations 2004-01-27
Kevin pose la question :
how many 3 digit combinations can be made with 0-9. i have been told only 1,000. when i asked jeeves the response was 750 without using any digit twice. i have entered a raffle and received a ticket with 4 sets of 3 digit numbers.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The number of three digit combinations 2003-08-16
Fred pose la question :
There are four close friends having a heated discussion concerning the the number of three digit combinations using the numbers 0 through 9. The discussionÝinvolves the daily lottery.Ý Any assistance you can lend would be greatly appreciated.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit number 2003-03-10
Grace pose la question :
What three digit positive integer is exactly 32 times the sum of its digits?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
ALL of the possible 3 digit combinations of 0 - 9 2002-12-09
Melissa pose la question :
I need to find out ALL of the possible 3 digit combinations of 0 - 9. Eg: 000,001,002,003. This is going to take me VERY LONG time. Any suggestions.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Probability and a three digit number 2001-03-15
Glenn pose la question :
Harley Weston lui répond.
A three digit number 2000-01-13
Manali Shah pose la question :
My son is in 5th grade, he has a math problem. There is three digit number, which is greater than 500, can be divided by 7,9 and 11, but cannot be divided by 2,4,6, and 5.
Harley Weston lui répond.



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