Sarah pose la question : Cut out of paper or cardboard a quadrilateral having no two sides parallel, no two sides of equal length and no indentations. Can an endless floor be tiled with copies of such a figure? Claude Tardif lui répond.
Lindsay pose la question : What is the word that means a shape repeated over and over again to make something like a quilt pattern?
Note: I'm pretty sure it is either a fractal or tesselation. Could it be that the pattern itself is a fractal but the entire quilt would be a tesselation?
Ellen Goldwasser pose la question : Hi! My name is Ellen Goldwasser. I'm a seventh grade student and I'm doing a prodject on tessellation. My question is: why will certain shapes (not polygons) tessellate? Thanks for your help! Penny Nom lui répond.
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Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.