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Dilemmes & doutes
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10 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Cooling 2010-03-07
Lori pose la question :
If a house is always at 20 degrees celsius. Water (tea) boils at 100 degrees celsius. 5 minutes later the tea was 70 degrees celsius. Use an equation to predict the temperature after 20 minutes.
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Fahrenheit and celcius 2010-02-19
Carol pose la question :
Zack is packing for a trip to Scotland. He read that the average temperature in the Summer is 18degrees C during the day, and 7 degrees during the night. What is the difference between the high and low temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit? (F=9/5C=32)
Lorraine Dame lui répond.
Fahrenheit and centigrade 2007-04-18
kyrie pose la question :
help ? temperature formula: f and c represent degree's of temperature.
exact formula:
f = 9c / 5 + 32
approx formula:
f = 2c + 30

at what temp in c do these formulae give an equal value for f ?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
livinia the housefly finds herself caught in the oven 2006-06-27
Danielle pose la question :

livinia the housefly finds herself caught in the oven at the point (0,0,1). the temperature at the points in the oven is given by the function

T(x,y,z) = 10 (xe(-y2) + ze(-x2))

where the units are in degrees celsius.

(i.)so if livinia begins to move towards the point (2,3,1) at what rate in deg/cm does she find the temp. changing?
(ii.)in what direction should she move in order to cool off as rapidly as possible?
(iii.)suppose that livinia can fly at a speed of the square root of 2 (cm/sec.) if she moves in the direction of part (ii) at what rate will she find the temp. to be changing?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Fahrenheit and Celsius 2006-06-12
Doris pose la question :
I just know how to do problems with fahrenheit or celcius. Could you show me step by step how to do these? Then I can do it if you can show me each step of the way.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
The temperature in June 2005-12-12
Farina pose la question :

Question: Hi, I was having problem doing this problem.
Suppose the temperature during June is normally distributed with the mean= 20 degrees C and standard deviation= 3033 deg. A i the event that temperature is between 21.11 deg C. B is the event that the temperature is over 25Ged C. Event C is the temperature is below freezing point. Find the following probabilities:
A) P(A)
b) P(B)
C) P(C)
D) P(C given B)
E) P(neither A nor B)
F) find the expected number of days in June when event B will occur.

I know how to find questions A-D
I am only having problem with question E and F. Can you please help me. Thank You.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Modelling monthly temperature with a cosine 2004-12-25
Regis pose la question :
The average monthly temperature for a location in Ontario as a function of month number can be modelled using the equation y = a cos[k(t + b)] + d.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Solve for two variables 2001-02-25
A student pose la question :
How do I solve for %1 and %2 in the following formula when T1, T2 and T3 are known? %1 and %2 are ratios of the same element, therefore %1 + %2 = 100%

(%1 x T1) + (%2 x T2) = T3

Penny Nom lui répond.
Specific heat 1999-12-22
Irena pose la question :
In transferring 1260J of heat to water, the temperature of 0.20 kg of mercury falls 50 K. Calculate the specific heat capacity of mercury using the equation C= Q/(m)(delta t)

i know that Q= -1260J because it's loosing heat and m= 0.2kg and since i have to use 'C i have to convert Kelvins into Celsius (i also know that 'C has to be negative since it looses heat)
Harley Weston lui répond.

Temperatures 1999-09-27
Eula pose la question :
How do you cahnge farenheit degrees to celsius degrees?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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