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9 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Six-digit telephone numbers 2020-03-12
Lulamile pose la question :
What is the probability that a six-digit telephone number has no repeated digits? The telephone number cannot begin with a zero
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a telephone pole 2009-08-11
robert pose la question :
12.5"@ base x 7" @ top and 40' height. How would I find the volume in cubic feet for a telephone pole with these dimensions?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A long distance call 2005-12-05
A student pose la question :
The Small World long distance phone company charges 55cents for the first minute of a long distance call and 23cents for each additional minute.

1. How much would a 10- minute long-distance call cost?

2. If a call costs $4.55. how long did the call last?

3. Write an equation for the total cost, C, of an m-minute long-distance call.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Telephone banking 2002-05-22
Fiza pose la question :
To use telephone banking to pay bills, the customer has to enter the last three digits of each bill. the numbers 0 to 9 can be used. if the number happened to be the same on more tan one bill, the customer has to enter the first three digits as well.

(a) what is the probability that a person has 2 bills to register with the same last three digits?
ANSWER:P(2 bills to register)=1/10P3 1/(10!/7!), 1/(10*9*8)=.001389

(b) what is the probability that a person with 10 bills to register has at least 2 bills with the same last three digits?
ANSWER:P=1/(10*10*10) =0.001

Andrei Volodin lui répond.
A phone bill 2001-06-18
Janet pose la question :
What is the formuala to calculate cost per minute?

Here is the data below

# of calls - 238
# of minutes - 443
cost - $70.06

Penny Nom lui répond.
Bicycles and phone calls 2001-02-08
Sarah pose la question :
  1. A bicycle has a diameter of 66 centimeters. How many times must the tire rotate to travel 1 kilometer?explain answer.

  2. Becky want to make a long distance call to her friend Sarah from a pay telephone.She has $5.00 in change.The call costs $0.90 for the first three minutes and $0.24 for each additional minute.How long can Becky talk to Sarah?

Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Calculator and telephones keypads phones 2000-06-27
Thomas Smith and Veronica Yates-Riley pose la question :
On a keyboard, why is the number "7" on the top of the keypad as opposed to the number "1" at the top a telephone keypad?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Phone Number Possibilities 2000-01-09
Hamilton Weston pose la question :
How do phone companies arrive at the possible number of phone numbers that can be generated for customers?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Pay Phone Problem 1998-02-26
Shameq pose la question :
Hi, I've been given a problem that I'm having some trouble with. I'd really appreciate any help. Here's the question (it's called the Pay Phone Problem)

A pay phone will take only 10p, 20p, 50p, and £1 coins"(It's British).

A woman has plenty of 10p and 20p coins. She has no other coins. She can put the coins into the pay phone in any order.

INVESTIGATE the number of different ways, she could put the 10p and 20p coins into the pay phone.
Penny Nom lui répond.




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