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Dilemmes & doutes
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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Two problems 2010-05-27
debbie pose la question :

Question from debbie, a parent:

hi, i have a daughter and she asked me a maths question I cannot solve. I was just wondering if you can give me the answers plus the working out so I could explain to my daughter,

1. The leftmost digit of a six-digit number N is 1. If this digit is removed and then written as a rightmost digit, the number thus obtained is three times N .Find N.

2. Four friends are racing together down a flight of stairs. A goes 2 steps at a time, B 3 steps at a time. C 4 steps at a time and D 5 steps at a time. The only steps which all four tread on are the top one and the bottom one. How many stairs in the flight were stepped on exactly once?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Clown has eight steps to climb 2002-11-05
A mom pose la question :
I'm a parent of a grade two student. What is the best way to help my son figure out a math comprehension problem?

Clown has eight steps to climb, is shown in a picture with front foot on third step and behind foot on first step. Each time he climbs three steps, he falls back two. How many times did he have to climb up to reach the top.

Should I get him to do a line graph or math equations. On his own he came up with the answer seven. I think the answer is six. I did 0+3=3, 3-2=1, 1+3=4 and so on, In think my why is alittle confusing to him. Is there a simplier why to explain it to him.

Diane Hanson lui répond.
Climbing stairs 1999-12-22
Harman Chaudhry pose la question :
Paul, Michelle and Michael all climb up 54 steps. Paul climbs the steps one at a time i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc. Michelle Climbs the stairs 2 at a time i.e. 2, 4, 6, etc. Michael climbs the stairs 3 at a time i.e. 3, 6, 9, etc. How many steps are used by exactly two people?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Stairs 1996-02-12
Marianne and Carrie pose la question :
How many ways can you run up a flight of stairs?
Denis Hanson lui répond.



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