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stem-and-leaf plot

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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A stem and leaf plot 2007-03-14
Hazel pose la question :
Hi, I wanna ask about my son's homework re: reading stem and leaf plots. It's really hard for me to understand about this..please show me how. Ex. Number of dogs competing in dog shows

Stem Leaf
1 62024
2 5295
3 166
4 05

1. What was the least number of dogs at a dog show?
2.What was the greatest number of dogs at a dog show?
3. How many dogs shows are reported in the stem and leaf plot? thanks...Hazel

Penny Nom lui répond.
Stem-and-leaf plot 2001-03-29
Kelly pose la question :
I'm tutoring my 5th grade nephew, and he needs to correct test questions regarding a stem - and - leaf plot. He left his book at school and I'm not familiar with the term. Can you explain it to me so that I can help him?
Penny Nom lui répond.



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