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square based box

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A square based box and a cylinder 2016-03-26
rajpal pose la question :
i m trying to calculate an area required to hold 4.4 mln cubic metres of volume. I used square and I get below result

A box shape that has dimensions 1500 meters (1.5km) by 1500 meters (1.5km) by 2 meters depth has a volume of:
= 4,500,000 cubic meters (4.5 mln cubic meters)

but when I use a cylinder shape, i get below result

A cylindrical shape that has a radius of 850 meters and a depth of 2 meters has a volume of:
= 4,539,600 cubic meters (4.54 mln cubic meters approx)

why is it that the cylinder, though of same depth holds more volume than a square? kindly clarify.

Penny Nom lui répond.



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