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Centrale des maths - centraledesmaths.uregina.ca
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sector of a circle

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Why 1/2 in the area of a circular sector? 2018-10-26
Ariel pose la question :
In the equation for area of a sector=1/2r^2theta why is it 1/2? Please explain conceptually not algebraically.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sector of a circle 2016-04-21
mustafa pose la question :
In a sector of a circle, the arc length is equal to half the perimeter of a sector.find the area of a sector in terms of r
Penny Nom lui répond.
The square footage of an area in my backyard 2006-03-17
Kim pose la question :
I need to find out how to calculate the square footage of an area in my backyard that is in the shape of a "slice of pie". There are two sides that are straight lines that come together at the top to form a point, and then at the bottom is a curved line that joins the two other lines together. I need to figure out how to calculate the square footage that is inside the area.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Volume of oil in a tank 1999-04-17
Lars Waldemarsson pose la question :
My problem is to get an equation for the depth of the oil in a gastank formed like a cylinder. The cylinder is in a horizontal position and by a stick you will be able to get the depth of the oil in the tank. All I need is an exmaple which I can build on. By this equation you will be able to get the volume of the oil if you know the depth.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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