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second derivative

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8 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Notation for the second derivative 2012-02-06
Shafira pose la question :
In all math textbooks, it is written that d/dx ( d/dx) (y)= d2y/dx2. Why do they write it as d2y/dx2, not as d2y/d2x2?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The second derivative of y = x³ (x² + 5) 2009-12-14
Kyrie pose la question :
Find d²y/dx² for this function:

y = x³ (x² + 5)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Graphing y=(4-x^2)^5 2009-10-25
natalie pose la question :
I want to graph the curve of y=(4-x^2)^5 without using a graphing calculator. To do this, I'm suppose to find: domain, y and x intercepts, asymptotes, intervals of increase/decrease, local max/min, concavity and points of inflection. I got all the way to the step where I'm solving the concavity and I'm stuck. I found the f"(x) and it came out to be really large polynomial. I want to know how I can solve for the x of f"(x) without the use of a graphing calculator, when the polynomial has x^6 and x^8. Thank you so much, natalie
Harley Weston lui répond.
The second derivative of h(x)=f(g(x)) 2009-02-16
Kristina pose la question :
If h(x)=f(g(x)), and is differentiable, then find h"(x).
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Determine y'' by implicitly differentiating twice 2009-01-04
Walter pose la question :
Given x^3 - 3xy + y^3 = 1 , determine y'' by implicitly differentiating twice. I cannot solve this. Would you be kind enough to perform the mathematics and show the steps involved in obtaining the solution?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The second derivative 2007-04-14
Gerry pose la question :
In mathematical context,what do you understand by the term "Second Derivative"
Penny Nom lui répond.
Notation for the second derivative 2005-11-08
Mussawar pose la question :
my question is d/dx( dy/dx) = d2y/dx2. why it is not equal to d2y/d2x.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Concavity 2000-10-22
Alex pose la question :
the question is: on what interval is f(x)=(x2)(ex)?

ive found the 2nd derivative which is ex(x2+4x+2) and i did the quadratic to get -2-20.5 and -2+20.5, but i dont know what the interval is.
Harley Weston lui répond.




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